Day 2,741

Dive team seven had been standing tightly huddled together in the half flooded airlock for five days now. They weren't responding to any comms and most of them hadn't so much as twitched since they'd been discovered. Their helmets were too fogged-up to make out any of their features but the suits were showing normal enough vitals.

Occasionally diver Gwen will start to lift her head like she's about to pull herself out of whatever trance they're all in but she drops back down again within minutes.  If I didn't know any better, I'd have said they were all asleep. The only flaw in this otherwise valid assumption would be that their oxygen tanks had been empty for just over two days so unless they'd all spontaneously grown gills, they must be dead.

It's hard to say what would be worse - a dead team who are fully human or whatever this still-alive team had become in the very short span of time between their last check-in and their discovery in the airlock of dive team four's base of operations.


We still haven't found dive team seven's base.


Dive team seven have been declared dead after two weeks without oxygen or further movement. A probe has been sent into the airlock via the oceanic access port to perform an initial autopsy on diver Kalim as he's closest to the port and hasn't shown any signs of movement at all within the two weeks.


As soon as the probe punctured his suit he just collapsed and the water around them filled with these eel-like things that had been hiding in Kalim's suit. His body is completely gone, the suite is just floating while the water is thrashing about with all the creatures that the probe let out.

Headquarters are debating between evacuating the site or isolating the airlock for better analysis of these newfound creatures. It's a safe enough bet that they'd been incubating in the corpses of dive team seven, moving the suits as they started to outgrow them.

Our next step will likely be the latter, there's too many unanswered questions right now.

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