Day 802

The house was perfectly normal from the outside. Its walls that shade of beige so chic and modern - a perfect balance of contrast to the otherwise typical English field-by-the-woods. Nobody in the neighbouring 19th century homes had seen the owners or family of the modern house in the thirty eight years it had been around for.

One particularly curious couple set up cameras along their fence, just little things to see if the family were nocturnal, if the house was even inhabited. For all they knew it had been abandoned since it was first finished, after all such a modern house must have been expensive to build.

Weeks went by without so much as a peep from the house over the field, nothing on the cameras nor any sign of a change in the otherwise deserted building. On the eighth week they saw something in the camera closest to the edge of the field, flickers of movement. People,or so it seemed and perhaps the owners  - new or long standing. Upon seeing the footage in the morning the couple decided to finally pay a visit to the house to greet their absent neighbours or at the least get some gossip to tell their friends next door.

The field was longer than it seemed and the house itself far larger up close. The glass wall showed the living room had been recently disturbed with an open suitcase on a table and clothes flung over the sofa. There were half empty plates on the table - three of them and not a single soul in sight.

When they tried knocking on the door they found it already wide open and three pairs of shoes hastily shoved into a corner nearby. They called out their hello's and is anybody home's as they trespassed further and further into the building, the air thick and stuffy from being undisturbed for too long.

They found the first person beside the suitcase, a child or rather half of a child. When they tried to turn the young girl over they found her torso was fused to the floor, skin gradually changing from brown to the glass-scattered concrete of the stone floor that ran throughout the building.

Deeper in they found one of the presumed parents, their face distorted in utter agony as he appeared to be trying to free himself from the hallway wall that had sucked him in. His hands grasped at nothing as they slowly withdrew, leaving the wall as plain and bare as any ordinary one.

As the couple left the hallway in favour of returning to the front door they heard the unmistakable sounds of a young child crying but it wasn't coming from the living room where the little girl was. It was coming from further inside, from the bathroom.

It was empty at first glance, the bathtub,sink and several buckets of water filled to the brim and the weeping coming from all directions but definitely inside the room somewhere. Peering into the bath they saw a face peering back, large and wide like the skin had been taken off and laid out to float about. Everything holding water in the room held skin which was turning more and more translucent by the second but the child's crying persisted. Though he managed no words the young boy was in just as much agony as the man in the hallway who had already gone, the girl in the living room too presumably.

The couple fled soon after this discovery, switching off their cameras and deleting the footage at the first opportunity. Their friends next door continued to wonder who lived in the home, blissfully unaware that the house held several families deep within its foundation, its walls and the water flowing from its pipes to the sewer and out to sea.

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