Day 1,742

Management have cut back on night staff - correction - they've cut the backs of night staff. Cleaved them clean in two and sewn them together into the monstrous multiheaded, multi-limbed amalgamations that now run the factory from 8PM to 8AM.

I used to get coffee with Jo and Abid but now they're two halves of two other people so now I get coffee with JoandDan and KyleandAbid. It's not as awkward as I thought it would be either. We still have our little in-jokes we still share work gossip but sometimes they seem so deflated.

It took me a while to get it out of them but I found that management wasn't letting them go home anymore. Claimed they'd been transferred to an overseas office and cut all ties they had to the outside world, making the factory their world instead and doubling overnight production.

From that KyleandAbid have told me, there's an expansion plan in the works to bring the day crew together too... in the same way. There's a tournament style matching system to pair everybody up with someone of equal stature and limb length.

I almost wouldn't mind the company but apparently I've been paired with Karen.

I fucking hate Karen.

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