Day 1,741

They had seized the library, the creatures that the media had dubbed "crawling terrors". They snuck in through the old service tunnels that ran beneath the main street and were probably in the process of slaughtering every living being inside.

It was hard to tell if anyone had been eaten yet, they'd already coated all the windows in a thick layer of organic sealant they made from their moulted skin and mucus glands by the time the police had arrived. All attempts to call the library's phone line were met with utter silence, as did amy attempt to call the people trapped inside and yet... your mum was calling you,.

The voice almost sounded just like your mum's when she was holding back tears, a quieter voice spoke a second behind her and sounded mostly like your little sister. They said they were in the library, trapped with all the others and begging you to meet them by the old fire service hatch on the furthest corner of the adjoined conservatory.

You should have told someone - anyone - that you were going. You should have brought backup. You should have done so many things other than sneak past the blockade and tap on the fire service hatch. You shouldn't have been so surprised when it turned out to be a trap.

You should have been happier to see your mum and your sister again.

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