Day 279

He was sitting in the field on the outskirts of town waiting for a friend.
It was a hilly area - fairly steep too.

His gran used to say there was something under it, something old.
Never specified anything more, no matter how many times He asked.
The most she ever said was that it used to drag people down right under the ground.
You'd find the tops of their heads, the rest would be under.

Bored of waiting he took out his phone to pass the time and - wait, did the ground just vibrate?
He put his hands against the soil and waited a few tense moments... nothing.
His attention turned once more to his pho - there it was again.
The ground beneath him began pulsing.

He leapt up, looking around to see if anyone else was worried.
Everyone else was quite far from him, when had they moved that far?
Wait... they were still moving away... was he being shifted instead?

Walking towards them did no good, the pulsing only grew faster and they shot away.
His footing became more unsteady as he was carried further out.

The pulsing was now more like a rhythmic vibration.
He didn't know how much longer he could keep himself upright.

He couldn't for long - his feet just slipped and down he went.
Now he expected to slam into the ground but to his surprise he felt his body gently sinking into softness.

Looking down he saw that the ground looked more like a tar-ish liquid.
Calling out for help did no good - he was so far away he couldn't even see anyone.
He wasn't even sure if he was in the same field.

As his body sank further he swore he felt hands pulling him faster.

So there was something in the hill.

And it was impatient.

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