Day 503

It began in the Dead Sea and spread through an underground stream.
Only a few people noticed how empty the oceans were becoming at first.
All it took to cause global panic was one marine report based on the results of an acidity test.

The overall PH levels were critically high, enough to melt through even the largest military vessel.
Much to our surprise we weren't the cause of this, the cause came from deep below us.
Thermal vents leaking some kind of new chemical into the waters, destroying everything it touched.

It took only a matter of frantic months for all wild aquatic-based life to go extinct.
The world was thrown into utter chaos as the few remaining water-creatures were heavily sought.
Something as small as a zebrafish was sold for £40 billion at auction.

It settled eventually though, sadly much of the wildlife of the world perished alongside the fish.
The water just looks normal but it eats away at everything.
Metal pipes, bones, you name it and the water can dissolve it to nothing.

The fish-crisis was the least of our worries to be honest - it was eating the land and fast.
An estimate was given that we were losing  20ft of land per day.
Plans were made to move to the sky and beyond..

Suddenly Mars seemed a lot more habitable and a lot closer.
Of course only the wealthy and influential would go there but at least some of us would survive.
We thought we had it all figured out until the rains came for the first time since this all began.

I always thought we'd go out screaming but everything was surprisingly quiet.
Probably because the head was generally the first thing to go, dissolving to a pulpy mess.
We had no time to scream.

Now the world is just water but we're still sort-of here.
It's rare to see someone else floating near you - we all like our space.
I'm quite glad the world died, I get to live like I've never lived before now the water doesn't hurt.

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