Day 623

The lights can't see and so they never sleep. They never change either, whole streets of traffic lights have been disabled and remade only for the problem to persist. Traffic is either at a standstill or whizzing through with no inbetween save for the few areas where amber never changes.

Pedestrians are the ones who suffer most from this, being trapped at intersections for hours as cars refuse to stop for them - after all why stop when the light is green?

It goes beyond mere traffic signals, right to the very cores of our homes when lights take on a life of their own. Faint voices come from them, demanding to be kept on all the while they continue to grow hotter and hotter. It gets to the point where houses become unbearably bright and some are already known to have caught fire from the sheer levels of heat being output.

And then it spread to the streetlights and day became a 24 hour concept with temperatures that put midsummer to shame. We became unable to cope above the ground as did most life. Whole ecosystems either perished or moved with us, as if sensing that we had a plan for survival or perhaps already knowing that humans survive above most disasters.

The lights won't sleep and so we live in the dark now. Even simple lights such as glowsticks or small torches have proved to be fatal and have thus been abandoned in favour of our oldest companion - a gentle flame.

We have theories that the voices we hear are somehow familiar to us, a kind of ghost if you will. In fact, some have argued that they seem to be a form of magnetic energy trapped within the electrical circuits forever circling between the lights and reaching out to us, not wanting to perish.

Although we now suffer under our own creation, can we blame the lights for not wanting to rest when we ourselves fight so harshly against the same dark that they do?

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