Day 1,620

Deep beneath a quiet village, a door is opened and the stale air of an ancient cavern meets the stale air of a tunnel. The faintest sliver of light cuts through the darkness, sparking flashes of pain in their bulbous eyes as they walked towards it with purpose.

On the outskirts of a quiet village, something has startled the cattle and they bellow in terror. Their farmers are utterly incapable of calming them and not even the dogs can corral them all back into their paddocks. Several herds flee for the hills, unable to comprehend the danger and unwilling to stick around to see it again.

By the warmth of a fresh fire in the pub of a quiet village, the few survivors huddle together. They are unsure of what they have seen, unwilling to talk about it and unable to forget it. Like their cattle they are lost amidst a gently creeping chaos.

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